You are invited to join a long standing Clinton tradition, the 88th annual singing of the Messiah. This year is the Sing-Along, which is an informal event. If you’ve ever wanted to try to sing Handel’s work, or enjoy a unique opportunity to sit inside a choir, please join us on Sunday, December 1, at 3:00 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Clinton, please enter via the East door to the sanctuary.
You are welcome to bring your own copy of the score, or borrow one of ours. We will sing all the choruses from Part 1, take a few requests for choruses from Parts II and III, then finish with Hallelujah. The event is directed by Chris Marple, our pianist is Christine Holmer.
The Messiah Sing-Along is free. Come as you are, bring a friend or two, and plan to have a joyous time singing!